Beginning of college life is just like entering in fairy kingdom.When I passed 12th, I got admission in college and I felt that all restrictions got vanished.No question of scheduled question of homework and other regular routines of usual school. Feeling was like-
In college 2-3 months fly by in admissions. No proper classes started till Diwali. We all decided to go to our native place Gonda to celebrate Diwali. My all uncles and aunts were also gathered over there.My eldest uncle lovingly asked me to go with him to his home at Basti. He said you could not come to my place till you were in schools now you are in college, lets go to Basti, we will visit nearby places and have fun. He asked my father and my father said, yes you can, but after a week you have to arrange her return to Bareilly.My uncle assured him and I reached Basti .My uncle kept me busy in partying , hoteling and sight seeing etc.He never bothered to think about my return.Those were mobile less days , my father wrote a letter to uncle to send me back to attend college, Approximately one month got elapsed then my uncle started saying do not worry about college over there, I will get your admission in Basti, you study here, no problem
When my father got no response he came hurriedly and took me back .That was third week of December.I went to college and gathered information regarding books to be purchased, When I talked to fellow students I came to know that about 3/4 of course and almost all practical classes are over. To my horror, final exam schedule announced exams are going to start by first week of March.I was very much scared and anxious as practical exams date were in Feb. Anyhow my father said, you have to appear in exams and I had to.
Main story starts here-- In my botany practical I had been given some roots to identify and write about them. Since I have not attended any practical class I was unable to do so.I decided to take help of a student next to me. She turned her head to listen me, at that very moment invigilator seen her and asked her to get out of the room angrily She went out crying and staring furiously at me. I got very much disturbed, my tears also took leave from eyes and a thought came in to my mind,-Oh I am going to fail by all case, this girl should not suffer because of me.Suddenly I decided to talk to invigilator.God gave me courage and I said to him, Sir she has not done anything,I was asking her,she is not at fault at all,please give me punishment instead of her. Invigilator saw my face, thought for a moment and call her back and sent me to my seat, I came back and did whatever came to my mind.
After completion of exams I thought whatever be the result at least I did a bit good
This satisfaction still lies with me-encouraging me to write about it 27 years later,
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